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One of the most ancient towns of Central  Asia - Shahrisabz

One of the most ancient towns of Central Asia - Shahrisabz, which celebrates its 2700 anniversary, is closely connected with the name of Amir Temur. The celebration of town s 2700 anniversary stays in one row with many other occasions before, such as the jubilees of Khiva, Bukhara, and Termez and the anniversaries of famous people of the region - Imam al-Bukhari, Ahkmad Fergani and Jalal ad Din Manguberdv. These anniversaries are recognized as the brightest landmarks of the great history of Uzbekistan, whose civilization created numerous remarkable works of art and gave birth to such great people of science as Avitsenna, Beruni, al- Khorezmi, al-Fergani and Ulugbek. These outstanding scholars left a great number of brilliant scientific works, which helped people to better understand the surrounding world.

The history of Shahrisabz - the medieval Kesh, ancient Nautak, described as "Dilkesh" "Kesh" ("Making the hearts happy'') and "Kubbat al-ilm va - al-adab ("Dome of science and education") - was closely replete with many momentous and tragic events of world history. Here, in one of the villages of Nautak, tsar - impostor of Baktriya (Artarkserks) was imprisoned and executed by Ptolcmey, the general of Alexander the Great. It was the end of the great Akhemenids reign. In 387/327 BC, Alexander the Great chose Nautak - Kesh as the site for his winter camp. From here, be marched to the mountain of Oksiart, where he captured a Baktrian noble and his beautiful wife, Roksana. Later on, she became Alexander's wife.

Alexander IV, the son of Alexander and Roksana, was the last tsar of the Macedonian dynasty. The idea to marry' his generals to Soghd and Raktrian women might have come to him during long Nautak nights. In this way he realized the idea of converging the East and the West closer. Thousands of years passed. Khashim b.Khakim (Mukanna - "Covered by a Cloth"), the leader of the strongest anti-Arab movement, found his last dwelling and martyr death in a castle in the mountains of Sanam near Kesh. Mukanna's death and his defeat was an event of the greatest historical importance, since it was the last attempt of Maverannahr citizens to return their liberty and ancient religion. It was the end of a huge pre-lslamic era in the history and culture of that area.

Under Islam, there began a transition to a new qualified state in all spheres of physical and spiritual culture. But Shahrisabz wouldn't have been famous all over the world if in April 9, 1336 in a village of Khodja-Ilgar near that town Temur - the son of a noble man Taragay, hadn't been born: a person who became the greatest statesman and outstanding warrior. No matter where he might have been, Temur thought of his native area, the place where he had spent his childhood and youth; the place, where his father Taragay and his teacher Shams ad-din Kulal, his elder sons Djakhangir and Omar Sheikh were buried. Shahrisabz became the second capital of his large state. He constantly took care of it.

Babur, the descendant of Amir Temur, the founder of the new dynasty of the Baburids, wrote: "... since Kesh was the place of birth of Temurbek, he did his best to make it "the throne city of the Empire (the residence of the ruler). The famous palace Ak-Saray, the like of which could hardly be found at that time, testifies to the fact''. Ruyi Gonzales de Klavijo, the Spanish ambassador, devoted some enthusiastic pages to its description. He was another famous figure who left his trace in the history of Shahrisabz.

Following the traditions of his ancestor, his grandson Ulugbek went on building magnificent architectural monuments like ensembles of Doruttilovat and Dorussaodat. Jubilee of Shahrisabz is another brightest example of the UNESCO s contribution to the revival of rich historical heritage and true values of the great history of region.

Anvar Ahmedov

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